Audio Signal Processing for Machine Learning

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Audio Signal Processing for Machine Learning 23 videos Master key audio signal processing concepts. Learn how to process raw audio data to power your audio-driven AI applications.

Audio Signal Processing for Machine Learning[edit]

Sound and Waveforms[edit]

Intensity, Loudness, and Timbre[edit]

Understanding Audio Signals for Machine Learning[edit]

Types of Audio Features for Machine Learning[edit]

How to Extract Audio Features[edit]

Understanding Time Domain Audio Features[edit]

Extracting the amplitude envelope feature from scratch in Python[edit]

How to Extract Root-Mean Square Energy and Zero-Crossing Rate from Audio[edit]


Demystifying the Fourier Transform: The Intuition[edit]

Complex Numbers for Audio Signal Processing[edit]

Defining the Fourier Transform with Complex Numbers[edit]


Discrete Fourier Transform Explained Easily[edit]

How to Extract the Fourier Transform with Python[edit]

Short-Time Fourier Transform Explained Easily[edit]

How to Extract Spectrograms from Audio with Python[edit]

Mel Spectrograms Explained Easily[edit]

Extracting Mel Spectrograms with Python[edit]

Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients Explained Easily[edit]

Extracting Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients with Python[edit]

Frequency-Domain Audio Features[edit]

Implementing Band Energy Ratio in Python from Scratch[edit]

Extracting Spectral Centroid and Bandwidth with Python and Librosa[edit]