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INTRODUCTION: Sound is ..... A survey of basic concepts in each discipline
Module 1: Sound-Medium Interface
(click on the number of the module)
2. Vibration: Frequency and Pitch 11. Field Recording 3. Vibration: Spectrum and Timbre
12. Filters and Equalization
4. Magnitude: Levels and Loudness
13. Modulation and Auto-Convolution
5. Sound-Environment Interaction
14. Time Delays and Phasing
6. Binaural Hearing and Acoustic Space
15. Time Delays and Reverberation
7. Sound-Sound Interaction
16. Dynamic Range and Compression
8. Speech Acoustics
17. Microsound and Granular Synthesis
9. Audiology and Hearing Loss
18. Voice and Text-based Composition
10. Effects of Noise and Noise Measurement Systems
19. Soundscape Composition