Satellite Of Love
The Satellite Of Love is a livestream performance of one or two hours of continuous music and soundscape synchronized by Ableton Link, Midi and Din Clock. Each section should blend from the preceding section.
The Livestream is divided into sections of 10 minutes. A participant may have one of more slots allotted either as a solo or a jam project.
A participant will probably want to provide 20% to 50% new material for their slot if regular. This could be as little as 5 minutes of material each month.
A participant that does not compose or produce may wish to rehearse and partake in the jamming sections.
This is an electronic event. There is a 24 channel digital mixer.
Before hand, we'll chat with the participant about what they might bring and how they will set up.
About Us[edit]
Time and Place[edit]
- Every Sunday
- Rehearsal starts at 2:00
- Doors close at 3:30
- Livestream begins at 4:00
- The roles will rotate over time as participants extend their comfort zone and will be organised in advance.
- Participants can choose to jam with a group or perform a solo piece to be agreed beforehand.
- Honey: Mixer, Ableton Recording
- Hal: Ableton, Zwobots, OBS
- Gollum: Broadcaster
- Bilbo: Webcam One, FX OBS
- Clint: Webcam Two, FX OBS
- Mildred: Ableton. OBS
- Arturia MatrixBrute
- Korg Prologue
- Moog Mother32
- Korg Prophecy
- Roland TB 03
- TR-8
- TR-8s
- Drumbrute
- Volca Sample
Midi Controllers[edit]
- Beatstep Pro
- MS 20
- Launch Control
- Traktor Dj
The Music[edit]
We go for a post modern take on genres since this is not a club, club music has a limited place tho' not inconsequential by any means. We are not averse to house and techno but without the biofeedback from an audience the overall vibe is identical to any other genre. So instead we divide music along tempi. So one stream we might start with a reggae beat at 100 bpm and move towards a Rock N Roll groove at 80 bpm, followed by a non tempoed ambient soundscape before finishing with some house goodness at 120bpm.
The scores help move things aling ensuring one doesn't get stuck in a groove.
One Hour Score For Two or Three People[edit]
Date | 0 - 10 | 10 - 20 | 20 - 30 | 30 - 40 | 40 - 50 | 50 - 60 |
18-09 | Intro | Left | Techbot | T & L Noise | Reggae Jam 120 bpm | 12 bar Electronic Blues Jam E minor 090 bpm |
F minor 080 bpm | F minor 080 bpm | D minor 080 bpm | D minor 080 bpm | A minor 120 bpm | E minor 090 bpm | |
25-09 | Intro | Left | Techbot | T & L Noise | Ska Jam | Britpop / House Jam C minor |
02-10 | Intro | Left | Techbot | T & L Noise | House Jam | Punk/Noise Jam A minor |
Two Hour Score For Four or Five People[edit]
Date | 0 - 10 | 10 - 20 | 20 - 30 | 30 - 40 | 40 - 50 | 50 - 60 | 60 - 80 | 80 - 100 | 100 - 120 |
18-09 | Intro | Left | Guest | T & L | Reggae Jam | 12 bar Electronic Blues Jam E minor | Ambient Breakdown Jam | Guest | Techno/House Jam |
25-09 | Intro | Left | Guest | T & L | Ska Jam | Britpop / House Jam C minor | Ambient Breakdown Jam | Guest | Techno/House Jam |
02-10 | Intro | Left | Guest | T & L | House Jam | Punk/Noise Jam A minor | Ambient Breakdown Jam | Guest | Techno/House Jam |
House Rules[edit]
Coffee and Tea available. If you bring your own milk, you'd be expected to take it home with you.
Bring a packed lunch if you want to eat. There's a small fridge.
There's a rooftop area for breaks.
- We have a covid appropriate air filter recommended for spaces twice the size of the studio.
- We have several fans in operation.
- We are keeping the in-person gatherings small.
- Alcohol dispenser in foyer.
- Sanitizer wipes for equipment.
- A spot for people to keep their personal mug if they want.
RSVP and don't show up?[edit]
- Is it covid-related? Thanks! Please keep yourself and everyone healthy.
- Places are limited. Booking a place, and not turning up, means someone else can't come.
- Please give us plenty of notice if you need to cancel.
- If there are multiple repeated no-shows, we might remove you from the group.
Can't make it on Sundays[edit]
- Like the idea but need a different day/time
- Like the idea but would like to try something a bit different
Contact Us
Code of conduct [edit]
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